Patrick Scheid
Guest Contributor, Cultbytes (formerly Patrick Scheid) is a writer, performance-based artist, and historiographer. He produces the U.S.O.ver performance series and his original works have been presented in galleries, museums, theaters, bars, parks, and street corners throughout New York City. His writing can be found in Ex Nunc, The Clyde Fitch Report, Culturebot, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, Emergency INDEX: An Annual Document of Performance Practice, Vol. 6, and more. l website linternationally at the British Film Institute, UK; MoMA PS1 Theater, USA; Cervantes Institute, Brazil; Ateliê da Imagem, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Cine 13 Paris, France; Berlin Biennale, Berlin, Germany; and most recently at the Colorado Photographic Arts Center. l twitter l contact l