Poetry: “SAFE”

free from harm or risk : UNHURT _[risk is behind you]
not presently threatening danger : HARMLESS _[risk is ahead of you]
not likely to take risks : CAUTIOUS :: TRUSTWORTHY ::: RELIABLE _[risk is nowhere to be found] a place or receptacle to keep articles (such as valuables) safe : VAULT _[risk is outside]
I knew about aviation’s black box before I arrived at language. I knew, also before I arrived, that the black box is a useless tool. Supposedly they serve “the purpose of facilitating the investigation of aviation accidents.” I could never settle the preservation paradox, what happens when you yell into a nosediving void what has happened, what is happening, what will happen to you, for other people, when you yell all this safety and still die. And nothing happens. You’re still dead. People just know you better. There are things I do not let myself google. I can google desecration definition but I won’t google blackbox inventor or blackbox purpose or how do fish sleep. I let myself divine what happens for other people within myself (the inventor has stakes in technocratic companies and is also a Leo, I dream). Can the black box be a personal tool? I wish to die in a personal plane crash, to yell bluebirds in the night and I miss you and desecration and why do you want this!, to make everyone spite my corpse in its encryption. Because, besides the recording, that is the one other infinity, what will not risk cracking, and no one can get me to speak again.
This commission is part of a fiction and poetry series curated by literary editor Nina Potischman for Cultbytes.
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Writer, Cultbytes Layla Elqutami is a writer based in Southern California. Having finished a thesis on dream literature, her current verse project centers timeless data and Internet voyeurism. l igram l